Darryl Stevens

What's on the Bench, Professional Instrument Repair

Setups, Touchups, Structural Repairs, Refrets, Neck Reset, Refinishing
Minor Restorations and More...

Darryl Stevens


My experience

I'm a guitar player with 40 plus years of playing experience. Over the years I've learned a few things about maintaining my instruments and keeping them in top playing shape. I'm also a woodworker so instrument repairs go hand in hand.

For over 12 years now I've serviced hundreds of other peoples Guitars, Basses, Mandolines, Ukeleles, Violins, Lapsteel, etc.

Contact Me

Custom jig just for this type of repair.

Neck Reset

One of many refrets that's been through my shop.


My Skills & Expertise

Specializing in Neck Resets

I demonstrate how to reset an acoustic guitar neck without removing it from the body.

Soft Neck Reset


Success Rate

Better than new

Fixes high action?

When taken care of, forever.

Will the reset last?

Martin GPCPA5K Cutaway w/Solid Spruce Top

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    Years of Experience

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    Happy Customers

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Happy Clients

Feedback is always welcome

Working Process

4 easy steps of how I work

Asses the Instrument

Provide a solution

Repair Instrument

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